Tuesday, January 26, 2016

First Year Seminar

Juan Rodriguez 

Talking About Freedom.

Freedom is a topic that has been around ever since mankind could develop the ability of thinking, speaking and acting, freedom is a word that might represent hope, faith and will in lots of cases it can acquire that magnificent form but can also achieve many forms and definitions as the number of people, simply because freedom is an idea. Oxford dictionaries defines freedom as:  

''The Power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint''

But what exactly does this mean? Freedom is a subjective idea,  everyone has its own definition depending on what they're own personality is,  what traits they have, what culture they belong to and what they have lived through, this basically applies to many forms of thinking. Freedom is one of these is a subjective notion of who you are.

Freedom in our era.

Mainly yes, we are entitled to freedom therefore we can follow our will, but how true is this. The world is a place of constant change, where information and knowledge has become more powerful than anyone or anything including money. We are given options instead of freedom, we are raised and given ideas instead of choosing in what to believe. We believe we are free because we choose to believe to, but thinking of it doesn't make it true. We are given data and stories to create ideas of who's is the real hero and what we should be like.

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